The work presented as part of the FIDAL project has received funding from the EU’s Horizon-JU-SNS 2022, the Grant Agreement No 101096146

The FIDAL project aim to set the standard by fostering open architectures, large experimentation sites, and adopting a multi-stakeholder approach. Thus, it targets the augmentation of human capabilities, enabling Media & PPDR vertical industry players to carry out advanced technological and business validation in large-scale trial facilities of highly innovative and advanced applications, that take full advantage of Evolved 5G technologies. This will provide significantly beneficial feedback to the broader industry, academia, innovators, and community before wide commercial deployments of Evolved 5G networks and beyond connectivity services throughout Europe.

Expected impact:

More specifically, the expected impacts and innovations are:

Evolved approach for supporting Network Applications in the Telco cloud, enabled by 5G slicing, and preparing for the evolution towards 6G

Unified orchestration and service management for distributed connected edge – cloud continuum infrastructures

Zero Touch management for the 5G Evolution and Telco cloud

AI tools and innovations for supporting the PPDR and the Media sectors

Evolution of innovative Security Frameworks